domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

A biography

Biography project:

Think of an important woman you admire. She can be a politician, a scientist, an innovator, a writer, an artist, a sport person.... She has to be somebody who is known and who has made some contribution to the world.

Once you have decided the person, search information and prepare an oral presentation about her and support your presentation with a Prezi

You should include:

- Reasons why you chose her.
- Important facts and major events in the person’s life.
- Contributions.

- Description: Physical appearance, personality.... 
- Personal and professional life, 
- Annecdotes, quotations of this person (if possible).
- Illustrations, photos....


- Use websites in English
- Do not use Google translator, use dictionaries instead
- When you present do not read.
- Your prezi is just a support to your oral presentation.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

How to prepare a great presentation

Prepare your oral presentation
·         Brainstorm your topic and write a rough outline.
·         Research your topic. .Remember you have a limited time for your presentation.
·         Organise your material and write a draft—think about the length of time you have to talk.
·         Summarise your draft into points to write on overheads and/or cards.
·         Plan and prepare your visual aids.
·         Rehearse your presentation and get its length right. Ask a friend to listen and time you.




·         State your purpose;
·          for example:
‘I’m going to talk about...’
‘This morning I want to explain…’
·         Present an outline of your talk; for example:
‘I will concentrate on the following points: First of all…Then…
This will lead to… And finally…’
The Body
·         Present your main points one by one in logical order.
·         Pause at the end of each point (give people time to take notes, or time to think about what you are saying).
·         Make it absolutely clear when you move to another point. For example:
‘The next point is that ...’
‘OK, now I am going to talk about ...’
‘Right. Now I'd like to explain ... ’
‘Of course, we must not forget that ...’
‘However, it's important to realise that...’
·         Use clear examples to illustrate your points.

The Conclusion
·         It is very important to leave your audience with a clear summary of everything you have covered.
·         It is also important not to let the talk just fizzle out. Make it obvious that you have reached the end of the presentation.
·         Summarise the main points again, using phrases like:
‘To sum up...’
‘So, in conclusion...’
‘OK, to recap the main points…’
·         Restate the purpose of your talk, and say that you have achieved your aim:
‘I think you can now see that...’
‘My intention was ..., and it should now be clear that ...’
·         Thank the audience, and invite questions:
‘Thank you. 
Are there any questions?’


Talk to your audience, don't read to them!
A presentation is not the same as an essay.
Visual Aids:
Create a good presentation
·         The text should be legible and clear
·         Use a simple background; it keeps the text readable.
·         Show several slides – each with one idea, image or data point.
·         The images represent what you are saying, so there is no need to verbally describe the images onscreen.
·         Eliminate "headline and bullet points" slides; they are tiring to read.
·         Include one or two lines of text in a slide to a maximum of six lines of text.
·         Use images or photos to help the audience remember a person, place or thing you mention.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Being a responsible consumer


Being a responsible shopper means being informed about the social and environmental impact of the companies you shop with, choosing the best options, and taking action to demand change from some of the worst corporate actors. Thanks to some of these actions, some multinationals have become sensitive to criticisms and have implemented changes to improve their public image.

Now is your turn to carry out some research. With the results of the survey of your class' shopping habits, choose two brand names of the same product, make some research and prepare a report explaining their practices.
- Check you understand the meaning of these words before you go any further:

  • brand 
  • brand name 
  • consumer 
  • logo 
  • marketing 
  • ethical/unethical 
  • eco friendly 
  • exploit, exploitative 
  • sweatshop 
  • multinational 
  • shareholder 
Search Tips:
You might be interested in trying the following links: (check FOOD and GARMENT INDUSTRY in particular)

You can also use a websearch engine to find out which brandnames have responded to criticisms about human rights, globalisation, ecological damage etc.

Write your results in a format like this one:
- Brandname 1
- Ok, no OK?
- Reasons
- Brandname 2
- Ok, no OK?
- Reasons 


Prepare to make an oral presentation of your research,

Here are some useful expressions for your presentation:
  • Here are my products. 
  • These are the conclusions I reached. 
  • I found/discovered that… 
  • I was surprised/shocked/pleased/disappointed to discover that.. 
  • Apparently… 
  • According to…. 
  • It seems that….. 
  • On the other hand…. 
  • Therefore…. 
  • In conclusion… 
  • I would recommend that… 
  • I strongly believe that…. 
  • I (don’t) think… 
  • …people should … 
  • .. you should 

Remember - when you present your report - don’t just READ

Your presentation will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Content (4)
  • Language (6): Fluency (1,5), Pronunciation (1,5) Accuracy (1,5) Vocabulary (1,5)
(Source: This activity is an adaptation of the following webquest: Who made my trainers? 

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

7 billion others

  1. SEARCH and choose three people who talk about happiness.
  2. Copy in a paper the following table and fill in with the information you find. Then prepare an oral presentation about it.

 Theme: ___________________

Happiness is....




lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Multiple intelligences and Learning Strategies

Do your remember the text we read about Multiple Intelligences? Do you want to find out about your type of intelligence? Take the following quizz, explore the learning styles that best suit you and take notes of your results.

Multiple Intelligence Quizz

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Career quizzes

Some students know what they want to do. Some don't. Figure out your strengths and interests with these interactive quizzes. Take notes of the results and make sure you understand what they mean.

What are your abilities?

How do you like to work?

What kind of work do you like?

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Interesting websites

1. Choose one of the websites listed below.
2. Prepare a presentation about it for your class. Take into account the following items:
  • What the website is about
  • Who they are.
  • What their mission is.
  • What you like and what you don't like about the website:
    • Do you think the content is interesting? Why?
    • Do you think it promotes social change? How?
    • Is it user-friendly?
3. Prepare 10 interesting questions to create a Treasure Hunt about the website you have chosen and send them by mail to your teacher. In the subject include the class group you are in. Make sure to include your names in the message.
4. Vocabulary. Before starting, make sure you know the following vocabulary:

click on - tab - scroll down - browse / surf - sign in/on  out/off - load - reload - download - upload - site map - layout - update - bookmark -non-profit - FAQs

Remember: when you present - don’t just READ