martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

Project: A volcano

Choose a volcano and prepare a presentation about it
You can check the following websites:

Your presentation must include the following information:

- 1st slide
  •  Titlle: Name the volcano
  • Authors
- 2nd slide
  • Geographical location in a map
(When you make your oral presentation explain the location using expressions like:
It is in the north (or south, east, west...) of ....)

-3r slide
  • Description (type of volcano, characteristics...)
  • Use a diagram to support your description
 - 4rth slide 
  • Eruptions (how many, when....)
- 5th slike 
  • Social and physical environment
(Do people live near the volcano? What effects has the volcano had in its social and physical environmnet?....)
    Oral Presentation:
    Prepare your oral presentation in advance. Rehearse it.
    Do not read

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